Be extra careful about personal hygiene. 要非常注意个人卫生。
Infection with head lice is no reflection on personal hygiene 头上生虱子并不说明不讲个人卫生。
Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages. 仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲究已经行之有年了。
Americans put great value on both grooming and personal hygiene. 美国人非常看重仪容整洁与个人卫生。
You might think that all modern societies would have the same grooming and personal hygiene practices. 你可能以为所有现代社会中的仪容整洁与卫生习惯都是一样的。
I think we could summarize the result by saying that women think poor personal hygiene is unattractive. 我认为我们可以从这次调查中总结出一个结论,不讲究个人卫生的男生是最不具有吸引力的。
And utter disregard for personal hygiene. 不干不净,完全无视个人卫生。
So it's important to make sure that good personal hygiene forms a basic part of a healthy lifestyle. 所以重要的是要确保良好的生活习惯,这才是健康生活方式的基本组成部分。
I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene. 我喜欢不爱个人卫生的树懒。
That, and the personal hygiene issues. 我已经确信这个问题谎言的根源,毕竟这是一个私人的健康卫生问题。
The Ministry of Health has been increasing health education and launched a mass media campaign aimed at strengthening food safety and personal hygiene knowledge and practices. 卫生部已经开始增加卫生教育,并发起了媒体宣传运动,旨在加强食品安全和个人卫生知识与实践。
Other causes: Diarrhoeal disease can also spread from person-to-person, aggravated by poor personal hygiene. 其它原因:腹泻病也可以人传人,而不良个人卫生习惯会加剧人际传播。
First you should know that head lice have no respect for social status, cleanliness, or personal hygiene! 首先,您应该知道,头虱有不尊重的社会地位,清洁,或个人生!
TPG-Axon declares that its newly restructured portfolio is fresh, which makes it sound like a personal hygiene product. TPG-Axon宣称,其刚刚重组的投资组合很新鲜,使它听起来像个人卫生产品。
All personnel will receive the Core Safety Training ( six modules) plus Personal Hygiene as a minimum. 所有人员要接受主要安全培训(六部分)和个人卫生培训。
Doctors stress the importance of personal hygiene. 医生们强调个人卫生的重要性。
Ensuring the provision of enough safe water for drinking and for personal hygiene to the people affected by the crisis; 确保向受危机影响的民众提供足够的安全水饮用及用于个人卫生;
The emphasis is on prevention by ensuring clean water, promoting good personal hygiene, and food handling practices, including hand washing and trying to prevent defecation in open areas. 重点是预防,即确保干净的水,促进良好的个人卫生以及食品处理措施,包括洗手和力图避免在开放地区大便。
Adequate supplies of safe-drinking water and proper disposal of sewage within communities, combined with personal hygiene practices, such as regular hand-washing, reduce the spread of HAV. 保持对社区内安全饮水的充足供应和对污水的适当处理,同时提倡注意个人卫生,比如经常洗手,可减少甲型肝炎传播。
Well, personal hygiene in the field is difficult. 呃,荒野中很难保持个人卫生。
Billy: Of course! Personal hygiene is of utmost importance to me! 比利:当然!个人卫生对我来说是最最重要的!
The disease is closely associated with inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene. 该疾病与卫生条件差和不良个人卫生习惯有紧密联系。
They also have been given information about personal hygiene to prevent the spread of infections such as diarrhea and cholera. 他们还获得了关于防止痢疾和霍乱等传染病传播的个人卫生知识。
Proper and frequent hand-washing is a very important measure to promote personal hygiene. 正确而又经常地洗手是保持个人卫生的重要方法。
Overcrowding, poor personal hygiene and poor sanitation facilitate the spread of the disease. 过分拥挤、个人卫生欠佳以及卫生设施差都会加剧疾病的传播;
Maintain good personal hygiene, wash hands properly before eating and food handling. 维持好个人的卫生保健,吃食物之前要洗干净或做好适当的处理。
Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene. 要经常洗澡以保证个人卫生。
She is obsessed with personal hygiene. 她总是被个人卫生所困扰。
A public awareness campaign is ongoing, stressing the need for good personal hygiene, mostly by hand washing. 开展了宣传活动,强调需要保持良好的个人卫生,尤其是要勤洗手。
High standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness are essential. 高标准的人员卫生和清洁是非常关键的。